Pre & Post Natal Massage
“Pregnancy can be a stressful time for a woman, especially with external unforeseen circumstances and pre-existing mental health problems which are becoming more prevalent in the modern world. The benefits of massage both antenatally and postnatally should not be underestimated both for the mental wellbeing of the mother, and also for the immediate and longer term wellbeing of the foetus.”
- Dr Alex B McCarthy MBChB
Pre-Natal Massage
Pre-Natal or Pregnancy massage simply refers to the massage of a pregnant woman.
During pregnancy, a woman’s body goes through so many changes emotionally and physically in preparation for birth. Massage can help to ease the symptoms of these changes by:
Improving circulation and oxygenation of soft tissues
Aiding lymphatic drainage and reducing swelling
Reducing muscle tension
Reducing back and joint pain
Reducing sciatic nerve pain
Improving relaxation and sleep
Improving mood and reducing stress hormones
Preventing varicose veins
Helping to keep blood pressure balanced
Helping with digestion to avoid haemorrhoids and constipation
Benefits of massage for the foetus
Pre-natal massage can also have positive effects on the foetus and their development. Some of these benefits include:
Improved delivery of oxygenated blood and nutrients through improvement of mother’s circulation
A relaxed, calm mother will make a growing baby feel secure and decreased levels of stress hormones will be passed into the baby’s system
Babies seem to actively enjoy touch on the mother’s abdomen often responding with movement
Touch also seems to help establish patterns of intimacy and sociality for life. Negative touch or touch deprivation has lifelong effects to the babies development.
Post-Natal Massage
During the weeks following labour and delivery, massage can help new mums and their bodies recover after going through such a huge change. The benefits of massage at this stage include:
Improving circulation and lymphatic drainage which promotes healing
Reduction in feeling of heaviness & exhaustion that often comes with hormonal changes
Aids recovery of muscle tone and reduces soreness in abdominal/pelvic area
Decrease in muscle tension associated with carrying a little one or breast feeding
Increase in relaxation and some much needed time out
Encourages the release of oxytocin which lifts mood
Pre-natal massage can commence from 12 weeks, please get in touch if you have any questions about Pre & Post-Natal Massage.